Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beige doesnt have to be boring, does it?

Beige is a color that has gotten a bad rap as of late, often called boring, safe and invisible. I admit that I have called these things as well, but I come to the realization that beige can be fun, in your face and just as obnoxious as the brightest of brights. Beige, much like black or navy, is a color that is often used for staples and meant to be accented by other colors or prints. Part of its purpose is to be in the background.

The shade itself runs the gammut from oatmeal to nubuck to taupe, but at the end of the day its all beige and that's not a bad thing. Take these custom made Christian Louboutin's for instance. Created specifically for Christina Aguilera for the movie Burlesque, these beauties give her petite in 5'2'' frame a lift and they do it like no other. With a nod to his "Margot" design, these white and silver shoes do wonders for the beige category. They wouldn't know how to blend into the background if they tried, and I dare say, they wouldn't even bother attempting. These are meant to be seen, flaunted and coveted and according to many sites, they are. Some girls have even requested Ms. Aguilera to pass them on. While most of us would not be able to afford something akin to these, their $2495 is a bit cost prohibitive, it is still possible to get the feeling with something much more affordable. Now while these arent going to be the pair that every girl covets, they demonstrate how one can get something just as interesting on a much smaller budget. Created by Irregular Choice, these Can't Touch This pumps are no shrinking violet themselves and scream "look at me!" And at $129 from Akira, a pair that the rest of us could actually afford.

You can see in these two examples that beige does not have to be 'boring' but there is nothing wrong with being in the background either. They both have their place, its just a matter of what you need and want. As Adrienne said, "I can't walk around on my rent," and I more than agree but a girl can dream though, cant she?

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