Monday, February 14, 2011

Purple has always been my favorite color...but...

When it comes to color...I almost always respond to anything in the purple family...from royal purple to lavendar to doesnt matter, purple is my favorite. But when it comes to words, I am pretty sure that Chartreuse is it. It only helps that I like the color itself as well.

Chartreuse is a color that techincally belongs in two color families because it has two different shades. By some definitions it is both yellow and green. Personally, I prefer the green version as it is a little less harsh on the eye and still complimentary. It is not a color that most will gravitate towards, but a color with presence none-the-less. I am not one to shy away from color and usually the bolder the better. I want you to see it and think...I wouldnt have thought to use it there, but I like it. I am under no illusions that I make color decisions that would send others running, but I still want you to be able to appreciate it, even if it isnt something you would pick. And this is where a color like Chartreuse comes in.

Chartreuse is a lemon-lime shade of green that almost has a touch of neon to it but can still be very muted. There are many variations of the color and often can only be described by a picture...thus...Grammy winner for Best New Artist, Esperanza Spaulding, is wearing a very descriptive shade of Chartreuse. Some would argue that her dress is a little more citrine or even yellow, but therein lies the argument of the color, it can be both, but to me this dress is squarely Chartreuse. While she is arguably on the worst dressed list by some, personally I love the dress...its layered, ragged and stunning. Designed by Selma Karaca, it looks good on her frame and she carries the weight of the dress well. It is only better accented by her pink shoes with an interesting and chunky heel. While I am not usually a fan of pink and green together, I will let it slide this time because, looks good...period. And I have a weakness for a good shoe.

My boyfriend has been encouraging me to start this blog for ages and I have been resistant for reasons I cant really define. I have always loved color and there arent many days that you wont catch me in one loud shade or another...but as with most things, we evolve. And I have finally acknowledged that he is right and if I want to some day complete a color dictionary, it might be a good idea to start jotting my ideas down, thus 'If my whole world could sparkle' was born.

When I was younger, high school and college aged, I was more prone to wearing what most call, primary colors...the crayon shades of red, green, pink etc...and as I got older, I evolved into more saturated shades of everything, even if the new shade was paler, the color itself was saturated and here is where I currently stand.

When I started this blog, I originally intended to start with purple...but as I sat here and flipped through pictures, I realized that Chartreuse was really the only option...yes purple is my favorite color, hands down...but how can one truly resist Chartreuse?

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